Shiatsu Treatment for Sciatica

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Japan Shiatsu Clinic (JSC), under the umbrella of Ikenaga Shiatsu International Holdings (I.S.I.), have Shiatsu workshop, called “Continuing Professional Education” once a month as one of the employee benefits for I.S.I. members to improve their work environment. The workshop series is a great opportunity to learn from and work with other Shiatsu therapists and to improve your skill level.
This is a video that the workshop of continuing professional education was held in Yaletown Vancouver on May 26th, 2010. The workshop was started with Kiyoshi-sensei’s demonstration “How to treat Sciatica”.

Ikenaga International Shiatsu Holdings (以下I.S.I.)傘下にあるJapan Shiatsu Clinicでは、スタッフが働き易い環境づくりをモットーとし、福利厚生の一環として毎月一度メンバー全員が参加できる指圧のワークショップを開催して います。このワークショップは”Continuing Professional Education /CPE (継続的専門教育)”と呼ばれ、指圧師同士がお互いの技術を向上するための貴重な場として、メンバーの間でも大変好評です。