How to Detect Specific Muscle
This is a video that the workshop of continuing professional education organized by Japan Shiatsu Clinic was held at Japan Shiatsu Clinic in Yaletown, Vancouver on April 16, 2012.
Masao Miyamoto, graduated from the Goto College of Medical and Sciences shared his Shiatsu techniques and knowladge from his work experiences. He has lectured “How to detect specific muscle” this time. His motto is “praising others”, and the lecture exactly shows exactly his personarity. He always appreciate his environment such as clients, co-workers, friends, as well as his family during the treatment.
宮本さんは、東京衛生学園専門学校を卒業後、 日本厚生労働省認可の指圧師免許を取得され、日本、そしてカナダにおいて指圧師として活躍されています。宮本さんのモットーは“人を誉める”事で、講義 中、随所にそういった部分がかいまみれ、彼が常に感謝を持って人と接している様子が伝わってくる心温まる講義となりました。